
The Yankton Sioux Tribe Utilities Program (YSTUP) provides the management of the YST Solid Waste and Recycling Programs.  The system provides waste disposal and recycling services to the Yankton Sioux Tribal members and non-Tribal members in the communities of Wagner, Marty, Greenwood, Lake Andes, Ravinia, and Pickstown, SD.   

Letter to the Resident:

Dear Resident,

There is an excess of solid waste issues facing the Yankton Sioux Tribe and across the country.  The improper disposal of wastes in open dumps, backyard burning, lack of program development and funding constraints continue to be problematic and we are attempting to provide helpful information to try to discontinue the negative effects that these issues are having on our environment.

The purpose of this handbook is to provide practical information that helps the Yankton Sioux Tribal community refine or assist the YST Utilities, Solid Waste and Recycling Programs and allow them to manage solid wastes in a manner that combines and sustains environmental protection, economic prosperity, and community well-being.  



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