Water Quality (106)
Home > Water Quality (106)
Yst 106 Water Quality Program/ EPA

The objective of our water program...
Is to restore and maintain the chemical, physical & biological integrity of the Nation’s waters (mini). The programs support monitoring, assessment, protection, prevention of polluted runoff in waterways and waste water infrastructure.
Ways to protect our water!
- What can my family and I do to help protect and improve water quality?
There are many things you can do to restore and help maintain the chemical, physical & biological integrity of the waters. Support wastewater treatment programs that remove unwanted nutrients and harmful bacteria. For your vessel’s sewage, use “pump-out” stations. Around the home and office, use as many “green” products as possible, such as phosphate-free soaps and detergents, and dispose of your household chemicals and hazardous wastes according to label instructions. On your property, reduce or eliminate the use of fertilizers, construct vegetation berms to reduce the runoff of fertilizers or yard wastes, and landscape with native plants. When fishing, after cleaning your catch, do not throw fish carcasses or other organic waste into canals where they can reduce water quality and contribute to low oxygen conditions.
- Don’t use antibacterial soaps or cleaning products.
- Most of these contain trichlosan, a registered pesticide that has been found to harm aquatic life. The American Medical Association warns that our use of antibacterial agents may lead to “superbugs” that will be antibiotic resistant. Regular soap and water kills germs just as effectively.
- Don’t put anything except water down storm drains.
- These drains carry storm water to our local waterways. Used motor oil, detergents, lawn fertilizers, pesticides, and other contaminants get carried by storm water to local waterways and cause unnecessary harm.
- Spread the word and be a water advocate.
- Talk to your neighbors about how they can help too, and work with your local elected officials to ensure that pesticides, antibacterials, and other toxic chemicals are not used at schools, local parks, and other public areas. Support local, state, and national policies that conserve water and stop pollution.
Did you know?
Global Water Pollution
- Every day, 2 million tons of sewage, industrial & agricultural waste are discharged into the worlds water, the equivalent of the weight of the entire human population of 6.8 billion people.
Human Health Impacts
- Worldwide, infectious diseases such as waterborne diseases are the #1 killer of children under 5 yrs. & more people die from unsafe water annually than from all the forms of violence, including war.